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Unity Certified Associate: Game Developer

I passed this exam in May 2021 and acquired various skills and some important ones are below:

  • Ability to work with APIs with ultimate ease which is in very high demand today.

  • Years of Editor Interface Experience.

  • Editor Scripting Experience Beginner Level.

  • Game Design Principles.

  • Industry Awareness.

Unity Developer Complete Course


Completed in June 2017

Along with my own self-taught knowledge, I learnt a lot of basic skills through this course.

PG in Business Administration: Human Resources

College of Technology London

Completed in September 2008

I had my first exposure to business through this degree where I learnt entrepreneurship and basics about Human Resources which was my field of study.

B-Tech in Computer Science & Technology

C.V.R. College of Engineering Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University

Completed in September 2006

This is where it all started where I got introduced to my 1st programming language 'C'.

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